GW1:Current events
[hide]Guild events
DotB is arranging different kind of events for their guildies. This ranges from the casual missions that people need help with, structured high-end missions and extends into GvG. Mostly the Officers of the guild are responsible for the execution of the events , however the event's are mostly started by users requests on our forum or simply by requesting it in guild-chat (if not enough people are interested at the time, the request can be put up on the forums), and are mostly executed on the Guild Event day.
Guild Event day
Every (almost) Thursday at 7pm GMT (20:00 CET) members in the guild are invited to participate in the cooperative guild events.
These event's are aimed at being a social event where we go to places in the game that are hard and fun to do and require good cooperation, so full guild parties are appreciated for this.
Some examples of things to do:
Sorrows Furnace (SF)
- This is one of the harder explorable areas in prophecies campaign. It consists of the furnace itself and the pre-area you need to travel through called Grenth's Footprint. Many green items are known to drop here, so taking henchies with you is not advisable. There are a lot of repeatable quests that can be done in various orders, and you don't need to do all of them, so it is good for any kind of timeslot that is available.
- Chest: Miner's
- Maximum team size: 8 (henchies allowed, heroes are allowed)
Fissure of Woe (FoW)
- In FoW the much coveted Obisidan Armor (aka: fissure sets, FoW armor) can be crafted by completing some quests. Also noteworthy here are the drops of shadow weaponry and one of the rare crafting materials needed to craft the armor, the Obsidian Shard. A good team can get to the crafter in about 1h30m with breaks. A full clearance of the entire area for all quests will take about 6-9 hours.
- Chest: Obsidian
- Requirements: Your continent has to have favor and you have to be ascended and beeing able to pay the 1k entrance fee
- Maximum team size: 8 (henchies not allowed, heroes are allowed)
Underworld (UW)
- This area is another realm of the god's (like FoW). It is in my opinion a little harder than FoW to get through since it has a lot more nasty mob spawns and challenges to offer. Eternal weaponry are known to drop here, as well as the valuable Globs of Ectoplasm (ecto), which is also needed to craft the Obsidian armor.
- Chest: Phantom
- Requirements: Your continent has to have favor and you have to be ascended and being able to pay the 1k entrance fee
- Maximum team size: 8 (henchies not allowed, heroes are allowed)
The ruins of the Tomb of the Primeval Kings (Tombs)
- This area consists of 4 rooms, and at the end 3 bosses spawn that drop a random amount of green items for the party, therefore taking henchmen is usually not a good option. This area can be completed with a balanced team in 3-4 hours. But with a Pet/Barrage team it has been known to take as little as 50 minutes.
- Chest: Phantom
- Maximum team size: 8 (henchies allowed, heroes are allowed)
The Deep (Luxon elite mission)
- This consists of 12 areas, and at the end (if you ever get there AND kill) the boss drops some valuable items. The chests are known to drop a lot of average to premium loot of Zodiac weaponry.
- Chest: Jade (these are not the jade sea chests !!, keys can be bought in the staging area)
- Maximum team size: 12 (henchies not available)
Urgoz Warren (Kurzick elite mission)
- This consists of 10 areas, and at the end (if you ever get there AND kill) the boss will drop some valuable greens. The chests are known to drop a lot of average to premium loot of Zodiac weaponry.
- Chest: Stoneroot (keys can be bought in the staging area)
- Maximum team size: 12 (henchies not available)
Domain of Anguish aka. DoA (Nightfall elite mission)
- This consists of 4 areas, and is hard.
- Requirements: You have to have completed the Nightfall campaign story line (not do all missions, just complete the game by beating the final mission)
- Chest: Demonic (keys can be bought in the staging area)
- Maximum team size: 8 (heroes can go, but its strongly advisable to have a full human team)
Dungeons - in Eye of the North
- Eye of the North comes with various types of dungeons, considering size and foe's encountered. (18 of them) Most of these are great material for Guild outings. See dungeons for more information about this.
- Chest: Locked Chests (need lockpicks)
- Maximum team size: 8 (henchies allowed, heroes are allowed) Exceptions are the solo dungeon(s)
UW and FoW are accessible from Temple of Ages (Prophecies), Zin Ku Corridor (Factions) or Chantry of Secrets (Nightfall)
SF and Tombs are unique to Prophecies campaign. The Deep and Urgoz Warren are unique to the Factions campaign. Domain of Anguish is unique to Nightfall campaign.
The Deep and Urgoz are unique to Factions campaign, and requires you have access to them. They also require a very good and coordinated team, and they take alot of time to complete. 4-5 hours should be set aside for it at least.
And by 'access' it means you have to been in the staging area for the missions. At times friendly people who control House zu Heltzer or Cavalon will 'ferry' you inside. The way to get back in there, is that another person has a character parked there, adds people to a party and uses zone back from the Guild Hall.
Since the april 19th 2007 update there are alternate ways of entering UW, FoW, The Deep and Urgoz Warren as listed below.
Alternate Elite Mission Access
- Bosses in Hard mode now drop Underworld and Fissure of Woe Passage Scrolls. These scrolls allow a party to enter these realms even if their territory does not have the favor of the gods.
- The Kurzick Bureaucrat [Faction Rewards] in House zu Heltzer now offers Passage Scrolls into Urgoz's Warren. Players may exchange 1,000 Kurzick faction to obtain one of these scrolls, which will transport one person to the outpost.
- The Luxon Scavenger [Faction Rewards] in Cavalon now offers Passage Scrolls into the Deep. Players may exchange 1,000 Luxon faction to obtain one of these scrolls, which will transport one person to the outpost.
These event's are for members of DotB, however, if we are short on people we do on occasion invite others to participate. But guildies from DotB will be considered first for participation at all times, as this is a social event for the guild.