PvE |
This user is primarily a PvE player. |
Account wide titles:
- Pro Skillz (2) [2,415 points]
- Companion of the Kurzicks (3) [539,000 faction]
- Fierce Hero (2) [137 fame]
- Celestial Rat
- Ceratadon
- Charr Shaman
- Fungal Wallow
- Kirin
- Siege Turtle
- Whiptail Devourer
All of the above are dedicated to Symeon Aethril. I did have a Necrid Horseman, Juggernaut, Wind Rider and Thorn Wolf as well, but I sold them undedicated.
Symeon AethrilClass: Warrior
Maxed Titles:
Noemi StriderClass: Ranger
Blessed DarkClass: Monk
Shashiya DevilfireClass: Necromancer
Cynthia Tol AethrilClass: Mesmer |
Count Hito Ze NaoroClass: Elementalist |
Meika Ze NaoroClass: Ritualist Notes:
Raikan Ze NaoroClass: Assassin Notes:
Xerxes BactrianumClass: Dervish Notes:
Symeon CenturioClass: Paragon |
Wulfgar Of NordisleClass: Ranger
Weaponmaster MudadaClass: Necromancer
King SymeonClass: Warrior
Zepo The ScarredClass: Necromancer
I'm a member of Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB].
We're a part of the [LDS] Alliance.
I can be found on the GameSurge network in #guildwarsguru and #dotb in the afternoon/evening (4:30pm-10:00pm GMT) on weekdays. On Saturdays and Sundays, I'm usually connected to IRC all day, though my immediate availability is not always guaranteed.
I read/post on the following forums:
Other Games / Gaming History
I started playing PC games in the late '90s with RTSs such as Age of Empires, Civilization 2 and The Settlers 3, and ended up following this genre almost exclusively. Some favourites of mine aside from the three just listed were Age of Empires 2, Age of Mythology, Caesar 3 & Pharaoh (city-builders), Battle Realms and Europa Universalis.
Then in November 2004 I began playing Rome: Total War, which was not only the best RTS I had yet experienced; it was also the first game I played online. Within days I found myself the co-leader of a small clan, which played on and off throughout the first half of 2005. It was from one of the members of this clan that I heard about Guild Wars, and he happened to mention the release date to me. My brother and I bought the game in May, as did a few members of the R:TW clan. Needless to say, I became hooked. Until the end of 2005, I was in various guilds with my old R:TW friends, but they (and my brother) eventually left for WoW. It took me a while to settle down again, but I did - Rite of Passage [RP] was my home for much of 2006. I faded from the game a few times to play the expansions to Rome: Total War, and to dabble with some online FPSs (Call of Duty 2, Battlefield 2), but Guild Wars remained my solid favourite. In October 2006 I left RP due to lack of activity, and went through a cluster of PvP guilds with a friend. Finally, I was introduced to [DotB] by Don (Cursed Baltimore), and have been in this guild ever since.
I also own a Nintendo Wii and a DS.